Group Classes
We have evening or weekend classes for you and your dog to learn in a small group setting. Group classes provide dog families with information and fun exercises and games to use to teach their dogs basic behaviors and cues. Each class is made up of a combination of explanation, demonstration, and practice. Group classes are also an excellent way to practice cues around various distractions. Our small class size allows for customized instruction and exercises based on each dog's level and individual needs.

Level 1, Puppy Kindergarten (Basic Manners)
Open to puppies 4 months and older.
This class focuses on basic manners for any age "puppy". Help your puppy learn impulse control, improve focus, leash skills and basic cues such as come, wait, leave it, and drop it. We also work on jumping and chewing/mouthing issues. We include some playtime for the puppies if it's a suitable group. Each week, we will email handouts and videos reviewing the exercises from that class.
Limited to 6 puppies. 60-minute Class, 6-week Course
Level 2, Beyond the Basics (Improving Verbal Cues)
Open to dogs 6 months or older that already have some basic manners and social skills.
Is your dog ready for more than the basic manners class? Try our Level 2 class that includes exercises to work on your dog’s focus, impulse control, and ability to relax with a variety of distractions. We will also work on improving your dog’s recall and leash skills. Classes may be indoors, outdoors in one of our fenced grass yards, or at a nearby park.
Limited to 6 dogs. 60-minute Class, 6-week Course
Puppy Playtime
Open to any age puppy. Groups divided by size and playstyle.
This drop-in class is for younger puppies to learn to socialize with others pups and people. The class may be divided based on age and size of the attending puppies. We will also discuss housebreaking, crate training, teething, mouthing, and other puppy issues.
Limited to 8 puppies. 30- minute Class, Drop-In Class
Obstacles, tricks, and games
Open to any age puppy or dog. No previous experience required.
This is a great way to have fun and build your bond with your dog! In this drop-in class, learn how to safely navigate the obstacles to help your dog build confidence and coordination. Challenge your dog with a variety of adjustable obstacles on our “Puppy Playground”. We will instruct you on how to safely navigate each obstacle to help your dog build confidence and coordination. Types of obstacles include: tunnel, ramp, A-frame, dog walk, teeter totter, tires, boxes, kiddie pool, table, ladder, and various jumps. There may be some off leash playtime at the end of class for suitable dogs.
Limited to 8 dogs. 60-minute Class, Drop-In class
For more information, to schedule a lesson, or to register for a class, email or click here to fill out our online form
Puppy Kindergarten | $195, 6-week class |
Beyond the Basics | $195, 6-week class |
Fun with Obstacles | $30, each drop-in class |
Puppy Playtime | $15, each drop-in class |
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